It's Just Politics

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It's Just Politics

Riding the political roller coaster

Do not discount the unpredictability, says a veteran who has had a seat on the twisty machine.

It's Just Politics

People will believe what they want to believe

In Malaysia, ignorance can be bliss and fuel for conspiracy theories.

It's Just Politics

What lies beneath

Sabah politics can be complicated, with history and family ties affecting outcomes. Even the notoriously bad condition of the state's roads goes far beyond the jarring potholes on the surface.

It's Just Politics

Can a Spirit of 2025 emerge in Sabah?

Remembering the startling results of the 1985 state elections is rousing calls for a return to a time when Sabah politics truly united for the first time.

It's Just Politics

Sabah’s messy politics

They say it's a sign that democracy is alive and well in the state. But too many fractious fights might leave the door open for a dark horse to slip into leadership position.

It's Just Politics

Deepfakery in Malaysian politics

How scared should we be that artificial intelligence will be used to interfere with our elections?

It's Just Politics

The art of the impossible

Comebacks out of left field, historic reversals, global surprises – who knows what could happen in Malaysian politics (even before the next general elections).

It's Just Politics

The line in the sand?

The controversy swirling around the possibility of house arrest for a former prime minister is pushing buttons – but is it enough to trigger drastic action?

It's Just Politics

The wheel of fortune is turning

Is it turning in favour of a former prime minister and against a certain party president?

It's Just Politics

Beware: Twisty plot ahead

It’s barely a week into the new year and already Malaysian politics is promising to be unpredictable and chaotic.

It's Just Politics

Politics is brutal

Once again the twisty politics in 'Dune: Prophecy' sends the columnist down a rabbit hole as characters and plot points bring local manoeuvres to mind.

It's Just Politics

Changing the political dynamics in Sabah?

Everyone is waiting to see what an old name in a new position of power will do in the Land Below the Wind.

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