Through Many Windows

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Through Many Windows

Debunking the modern feudal mindset

In a democracy, every citizen has equal opportunities to prosper, progress and determine the way he wants to live his life in accordance with the law.

Through Many Windows

Who does Malaysia belong to?

The Federal Constitution does not confer any rights to ‘ownership’ of the nation based on ethnicity or religion.

Through Many Windows

A ‘benevolent father’ as govt

Compassion is a fundamental value that a govt must have if its going to serve the people properly.

Through Many Windows

Building blocks of society

RECENTLY I had a wonderful time sharing my thoughts on “Why not live together as human beings?” with a group of higher secondary and university students.

Through Many Windows

In urgent need of a makeover

I cannot confidently say that the whole of Malaysia was shocked by the allegations in Court of Appeal judge Datuk Dr Hamid Sultan Abu Backer’s affidavit. Sure, there are serious allegations made against some members of the Judiciary and this ought to be of concern to every citizen who wants our key institutions’ integrity to be protected.

Through Many Windows

The firewalls that divide us

May 13 is a constant reminder of the danger of allowing politicians to proceed on ethnic lines in politics, so the people need to lead the way in creating a truly Malaysian nation.

Through Many Windows

Fight the fetish

Racism and tribalism is inhibitive of progress.

Through Many Windows

Sorry, which majority again?

The better our understanding of democracy, political government and people power, the more we can contribute to nation building.

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The actual Malaysian deal

Without tangible mechanisms, the concepts of good governance, accountability and transparency will remain as political slogans and topics for academic discussions.

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The compassionate face of Islam

It should never be the state’s role to merely punish the offender or their innocent families, when the state itself is in some way responsible for the crime occurring.

Through Many Windows

A threat or blessing?

Asean youth will have to identify the common and universal values found in the diverse religions practised in the region.

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