Behind The Headlines

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Behind The Headlines

Tragedy compounds confusion

There are usually more than two sides to an argument, despite the temptation to think there are just two bitterly opposed and incompatible ones.

Behind The Headlines

Balancing between superpowers

Major countries make major strategic errors, often to the advantage of other major powers, smaller nations in between or all of the above.

Behind The Headlines

Palestine comes of age

However hard Israel may try to block equal rights for Palestine in peace talks, even its US ally cannot stop an international quest for justice.

Behind The Headlines

It’s not news if it’s good

The success story of regional integration in Latin America today is seldom heard elsewhere in the world, even as people there experience it daily.

Behind The Headlines

Who will cast the first stone?

Countries still steeped in criticising Asean and its ‘ways’ could do worse than look in the mirror and be honest with themselves at least.

Behind The Headlines

Exhuming fact from fiction

Where undeclared interests reign, such as in global strategic concerns, the need to get a firmer grip on reality grows.

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